
What I never expected was the additional entertainment value that Family Strokes brought with the sitcom feel they have created the scenes around. I would never have thought it could work with porn but it actually comes across very well and adds an additional fun and amusement value.

What is also impressive is that it is achieved without diluting the porn value at all, in fact they excel at this level too making the package rather unique and definitely worth throwing a couple of pennies at for a membership deal and the opportunity to access more content on a regular basis.

You can get a 41% off discount to Family Strokes. The regular price on a 30-day pass has been cut by 61% getting you an in for only $9.87.

They have all kinds of family theme scenes too like holidays. Thanks giving and Christmas are particularly festive events in these step-family households, that’s for sure.

The quality is great, the models are attractive and actually bring some acting skills to the party which aren’t completely lame. Good fun all ’round.

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